How To Hide The Smell Of Weed
The smell of weed and cannabis plants can be very persistent, noticeable, and challenging to remove, especially in clothes, hair, and even furniture. Although most marijuana users will say they don't mind the smell, many still want to know how to get rid of the weed smell. This could be to contend with picky roommates, parents, or neighbors, any of whom may take issue with the marijuana smell. The reason for wanting to hide the smell of weed could also be because marijuana is still illegal in the place where that person lives or because they do not want to draw unwanted attention. But how to hide the smell of weed that is so distinctly recognizable? Here are some tips and tricks on not only preventing but also on how to get rid of the smell of marijuana during and after smoking, as well as additional information on how to store marijuana without giving off the scent. Credit for photo: Choose a good location to smoke If you have th...