The Science of Reverse Dabbing — Using The Cold Start Method
The cold start method of dabbing is a perfect way to prevent the flavonoids and medicinal terpenes from vaporizing completely. Follow my blog with Bloglovin For those dabbers out there reading this article, you've probably heard of "cold start" dabbing already. If your not familiar with this, read on. Not that long ago, the cannabis press, blogs, and influencer world were all abuzz with cold start dabs. So what is it, I hear you ask? It's a method to dab that starts from an unheated (hence the term "cold") nail. Place the concentrate in a nail (preferably a quartz banger), heat the device, and then inhale once those vapors start to rise out from the bubbling concentrate. Regular Dabs Vs. Cold start Dabs Usually, the dabbing process begins by heating the nail, placing the concentrate on the hot nail, and immediately inhaling it. Many dabbers will recommend that once your nail is heated, you wait ten seconds or more to allow it to cool a little ...