What is PGR weed, and how to spot it?
As the debate over genetically modified foods rages on, there is now concern about genetically modified weeds. While genetically modified cannabis is not on the market, plant growth regulators (PGR) are being used to alter cannabis chemically. PGRs are being used to control different aspects of plants' growth. These chemicals can be used to increase the size of different parts of the plant. For example, growers do this to increase fruit size, control flowering time, and better control the size of certain parts, such as roots or stems. The problem is that these plant growth regulators are often toxic chemicals that should not be eaten, let alone smoked. The concern is that unscrupulous growers are using these chemicals to increase profits at the expense of people's health. PGR weed doesn't even have standard amounts of cannabinoids, terpenes , and trichomes. In some cases, it may not even develop any THC. The cannabinoids like CBD and THC are the...