Can You Freeze Cannabis?
When stored correctly in the freezer, the degradation process almost completely stops. Before you do this, however, you should know a few things. Cannabis is at its most potent when it is dried and cured. Over time that potency degrades, especially when exposed to light and heat. There are several methods to prevent potency degradation in cannabis. One way to do this is to store the weed in a freezer. If you purchase a large amount of cannabis or harvest a healthy crop of homegrown cannabis, you may find yourself looking for ways to maintain its potency. Freezing your weed could be a good option. What happens if you put cannabis in the freezer? When you freeze weed, you stop the degradation process, the process by which marijuana loses its potency. A 1999 study by researchers at the University of Mississippi found that an average of one-sixth of THC in marijuana was depleted within the first year. The potency degradation will slow in consecuti...