What is Vaping? Benefits? Side Effects? How does it Work?

The benefit and side effects of Vaping

Vaping has become a common sight in many parts of the world in the last few years. Especially among teens.

Some celebrate the arrival of these “smokeless” nicotine tools as a safe alternative to cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products.

The devices don't emit the same cancer-causing tar and toxins that burning tobacco leaves produce.

But what are they? What do they contain? Does vaping get you high?Are they really safe? How do they compare to cigarettes?

Here you will find the facts on vaping, based on scientific evidence and research, plus whether to use vapes as a tool to quit smoking.

What is Vaping? what does vaping do?

Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling an aerosol produced by a vaping product, such as an electronic cigarette.

Vaping doesn't require burning like cigarette smoking. The device heats an e-liquid into an aerosol, vapor or cloud.

The term "vaping" is also used to refer to the inhalation of cannabis aerosols, which are produced by products that differ from nicotine products described on this page.

What are Vaping devices? Components of a Vape Pen

Components of a Vape Pen

Vaping devices may also be commonly called vapesvape pens, electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes, carts, mods, e-hookahs, sub-ohms, tank systems, and more.

Although initially created to help existing smokers quit, enticing flavors such as mango, mint and tutti frutti have attracted young people and non-smokers to the products. Their popularity has by far eclipsed that of smoking cigarettes among today's adolescents.

Vapes are available in many shapes and sizes. They can look like cigarettes, cigars, pipes, pens, USB flash drives, or may be in other forms.

However, Regardless of their design and appearance, these devices generally operate in a similar manner and are made of similar components.

Most types of vapes have:

Cartridge: A cartridge, tank or pod that holds liquid, It can be refillable or disposable.

Atomizer: A heating element for turning the liquid into breathable vapor.

Battery: A Part to power the heating element.

Mouthpiece: Where you breathe in the vapor.

History of Vaping device

Vaping can be traced back to the invention of the modern “e-cigarette” (as it was called at the time) by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik. This led to the development of the vapes and e-cigarettes popular today.

A vaping product was first introduced in China in 2004, and later iterations were introduced worldwide within a few years.

How do vapes work?

Vapes, or vaping devices, include a mouthpiece, a battery, a cartridge that holds a liquid or dry material, and a heating element.

When you press the button or just breathe in through the mouthpiece, it turns on the battery and heating element. The heat turns the liquid or dry material into vapor. The vapor, is then inhaled by the user.

What is vape juice, and what does it contain?

Nicotine vape juice

The e-liquid (aka e-juice) in a vape product contains a combination of ingredients, usually including nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, flavouring and other chemicals.

1. Nicotine

Nicotine (typically concentrated from tobacco) is the main psychoactive ingredient in tobacco products that makes them habit-forming.

It is a stimulant drug that speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and body.

2. Propylene Glycol

Propylene glycol (PG) is a common ingredient in vaping products, such as E-Cigarettes and vape juices.

PG acts as the base for many E-Liquids, where it helps create the vapour from the device when heated.

3. Vegetable Glycerin

Vegetable glycerine (VG) is a vegetable-based ingredient widely used in E-Liquids for vaping.

Its first function is to ensure that the other ingredients of liquid nicotine extracts and individual flavorings are consistently blended throughout the entire mixture.

But perhaps the more important characteristic of Vegetable Glycerin USP grade solutions is its remarkable cloud producing capabilities.

4. Flavourings

Flavour concentrates essentially give you the flavouring mixtures of your favourite e-juices.

Some popular vape juice flavours include Tobacco Flavours, Fruity Flavours, Drink Flavours, Candy Flavours, Minty Flavours, and many others.

Does vaping get you high?

If you are vaping e-juices containing nicotine, you could get an instant buzz or rush from it.

That's because nicotine is a mild stimulant like coffee. It could make you more focused and alert but for other people, it could have a calming or sedating effect.

This nicotine rush from vaping is similar to what you'll get when smoking tobacco cigarettes.

Smoking vs Vaping: Which is Better?

Smoking vs Vaping: which is better

While not without risks, vaping is generally less harmful than smoking.

Both vaping and smoking deliver nicotine, but it is the burning of tobacco that causes most of the harm.

Smoking burns tobacco leaf creating smoke, which contain poisons, toxic metals, and carcinogens that enter the body with every puff.

With vaping, you inhale the vapor instead of smoke. Vaping exposes users to far fewer toxins and at lower levels than smoking cigarettes.

In addition, Vaping is seen as a more convenient option than smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes because many vaping devices are refillable, easy to use, and easier to conceal.

Side Effects of vaping: Is vaping bad for you?

Side Effects of vaping: lung cancer

Vaping can cause breathing problems, organ damage, addiction and other conditions.

Additionally, Vapes are still fairly new, and more research is needed over a longer period of time to know what the long-term effects may be.

1. Nicotine Addiction

E-cigarettes contain nicotine, a drug that's highly addictive. It can be hard to stop using it.

In addition, Nicotine can affect the developing brain, potentially harming teens and young adults.

To let you know, Even some "nicotine-free" e-cigarettes have been found to contain nicotine.

2. Anxiety and Depression

Nicotine makes anxiety and depression worse. It also affects memory, concentration, self-control, and attention, especially in developing brains.

3. Breathing Problems

Vapes can cause side effects such as throat and mouth irritation, headache, cough and feeling sick.

For example, If you have asthma, e-cigarette aerosol can irritate your throat and lungs.

Luckily, These side effects tend to reduce over time with continued use.

4. Organ Damage

Besides nicotine, vape vapor typically contain propylene glycol, and vegetable glycerin.

These are substances used to produce stage or theatrical fog which have been found to increase lung and airway irritation after concentrated exposure.

In addition, when these substances are heated they create new chemicals that may not be safe to inhale.

For example, the heating process can create chemicals like formaldehyde and other contaminants such as nickel, tin and aluminum.

5. Cancer Risk

Cancer is definitely a concern, given that vaping introduces a host of chemicals into the lungs.

Some harmful substances found in e-cigarette vapor have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

The aerosol that users inhale and exhale from e-cigarettes can expose both themselves and bystanders to harmful substances.

6. Becoming a Smoker

Young people who vape are more likely to start smoking regular (tobacco) cigarettes and may be more likely to develop other addictions in the future.

Can vaping help a person quit smoking?

can vaping help you quit smoking

Some people believe e-cigarettes may help lower nicotine cravings in those who are trying to quit smoking.

For adult smokers who don't quit to switch to less harmful alternatives, these vape products usually contain nicotine and provide a taste and experience that is acceptable to existing smokers.

However, e-cigarettes are not an FDA-approved quit aid, and there is no conclusive scientific evidence on the effectiveness of vaping for long-term smoking cessation.

The best choice remains to quit cigarettes and nicotine completely.

Does nicotine cause lung cancer?

Nicotine is the chemical that makes cigarettes addictive. But it is not responsible for the harmful effects of smoking, and nicotine does not cause cancer.

Alternatives to quit smoking and vaping?

Nicotine patches and gums

Nicotine patches are very helpful for a low amount of nicotine around the clock, and nicotine gum is also extremely helpful for cravings, when used properly.

In addition, Individuals have different needs and should consult with their doctor to create a plan that fits.


Vapes are known by many different names, and sometimes people find it hard to understand what is really known about these devices.

Here we address some of the common questions people ask about Vaping and vaping devices.

You might be tempted to turn to vape as a way to ease the transition from traditional cigarettes to not smoking at all.

Nicotine vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking. It's also one of the most effective tools for quitting smoking.

Vaping is not completely harmless and we only recommend it for adult smokers, to support quitting smoking and staying quit.


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